Saturday, 6 April 2013

First author interview

On Wednesday I took part in a short author interview with Rebecca Bennett of Rebbie Reviews, you can visit the website here. Author interview

We discussed The Viking's Apprentice and what inspired me to write. A full transcript of the interview is below.

Interview with Kevin McLeod, Author of The Viking’s Apprentice

by rebbiereviews
I am delighted to have had the chance to interview this newly discovered author, Kevin McLeod. I recently reviewed his book "The Viking's Apprentice".
So Here it is!
So Kevin, what made you want to become an author?
My inspiration to become an author came when I was about 12 and read The Eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King. He had taken a break from writing horror to write a story for his kids. Simply put, it was brilliant. I started writing short stories for fun and did that for a few years. Life took over then I rediscovered my passion when I turned 30 and starting writing again. I just love it, I can lose hours at a time writing.
Do you have a favourite author?
Favourite author is a tough one, I guess from my previous answer you would be expecting Stephen King or going by my chosen genre maybe Rick Riordan or Joseph Delaney. However it has to be R.J. Ellory, his books are fantastic. So well written and the characters and places draw you into his world.
Why Vikings?
Why Vikings? I think there is always this mystery and interest around Vikings, these wild warriors that traveled the seas to conquer and pillage. The image of a Viking is so striking I was able to use that imagery to draw the reader into the book. Although I have not cast them in their regular role I think the role they play works well. Trying hard not to give away too much with that answer!
The cover of your book is beautiful, I understand your brother is the artist. Does he do a lot of cover work?
My brother did do the cover art, he is an excellent artist with skills that far out do most I have seen. By day he is a web designer but by night he zones into his artwork. This was his first cover art.
Could other authors contact him for cover work?
 I am sure Paul would not mind be contacted by authors, they can contact him and leave a message entitled FAO Paul.
You’re currently writing the second book of the “The Viking’s Apprentice” Series, how many are you planning?
Originally I was planning 3 books in the series, but recently I had an idea for a prequel to The Viking's Apprentice which would be set in the era of the Vikings. Don't want to say too much more in case I give away any plots!
How long did it take you to write the book?
The book took two years to bring to completion. I have two daughters and a day job so I was, like many others, fitting writing in around my life. Book 2 will not take as long to finish as I already have location maps, characters defined and stronger coffee :)
Are you interested in exploring other genres, or do you feel your feet are firmly planted in Adventure?
I don't feel my feet are planted only in adventure or only in YA fiction, but for now they are as I love the books I am writing and I am enjoying it so much I am not ready to let it go yet!
And finally, do you have any words for aspiring authors?
Don't ever give up, if you have a story inside you that you feel is worth sharing. It probably is. Also don't let edits and corrections get you down, they are part of the process and the end results will speak volumes. One last thing, when the characters in your book seem real to you, they will appear that way to other people.
Thank you very much for your time Kevin, I am very pleased to have had the chance to do this interview with you.
For more information on Kevin McLeod please check out his

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